High Depth Photos:
Artist Reflection:
1.I'll say the red horse is my best image out of all of them only because it's the most interesting out of all of them.
2. I would say the second high depth image is the worst photo just because it's not as focused and an't really catch a readers eye.
3. The image can be improved in further photo-shoots by catching better lighting and focusing the camera more.
4. I used photoshop and the tools i used where leveling and saturation.
5. Changing the aperture did change the depth of my photos
6. The easiest part is taking the photos
7. Doing this artist reflection is the hardest part
8. If i did this assignment again the only thing i would do differently is take pictures of different things
9. Scale of 1-19 my efforts was an 8 i say this only because one photo i did not try i will not lie.